"As Wisconsin votes in today's primary, you can have faith system is fair and square"

Ahead of Wisconsin’s August primary election, Leadership Now members Tom Florsheim and Anoop Prakash, alongside other Wisconsin leaders, reaffirmed confidence in the state’s elections in their latest op-ed.

They reminded fellow voters of the measures in place to ensure a transparent and secure election process, including public inspections of voting equipment, mandatory post-election audits, and well-trained local officials who ensure every vote is accurately counted.

“The best way to ensure our elections reflect the will of the people is to cast a ballot. Trust the systems in place and the hardworking Americans making it happen. Even better, get involved yourself and serve as a poll worker. Elections are the cornerstone of our democracy and one of the most important things we can do as Americans. Our election processes are designed to ensure we can vote with confidence.”

Read the article “As Wisconsin votes in today's primary, you can have faith system is fair and square.