With voter turnout in the 2022 midterm elections at the second highest level in more than 40 years, many businesses are seizing the opportunity to engage stakeholders and tie their brand to civic engagement.
A recent Inc. Magazine article lays out four ways companies can promote their brand during an election season:
Provide accurate and accessible voter information.
Make it easier for employees to vote by giving them paid time off.
Focus on one issue important to the company and its stakeholders.
Help voters get to the polls.
Our work was highlighted in the piece: ”One of the most commonly reported barriers of getting to the polls is getting time off from work, according to a report from Leadership Now Project, an organization formed by a group of Harvard Business School graduates who seek to improve governance.”
Read the full article: https://www.inc.com/xintian-tina-wang/midterm-election-2022-campaigns-brands.html