As we usher in an extraordinarily consequential political year, it is a moment to reflect on the impact and lessons learned of Leadership Now’s efforts in 2023. Throughout the year, Leadership Now and its members worked on targeted state and national efforts to protect American democracy. See below a brief recap of our 2023 highlights:
Mobilized business leaders to protect ballot initiatives in Ohio: Leadership Now opposed Issue 1, a measure to hinder citizen-led initiatives, by organizing an open letter and creating digital ads featuring prominent business leaders like former P&G CEO John Pepper and Jeni's Ice Cream Founder Jeni Britton. This effort led to Issue 1's defeat in the August 2023 special election and laid the groundwork for future ballot initiatives.
Jeni Britton, Founder of Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams opposes Ohio’s August 2023 Issue 1 Ballot Initiative
Stood for democracy in Wisconsin: Leadership Now's local partner, the Wisconsin Business Leaders for Democracy, engaged in the April 2023 Supreme Court election, where only Judge Janet Protasiewicz committed to democratic principles. Leadership Now-affiliated PAC Project Democracy endorsed her in a digital ad campaign reaching 235K moderate WI voters, resulting in her 11-point victory.
Additionally, Wisconsin Business Leaders for Democracy defended Wisconsin Election Commission (WEC) Administrator Meagan Wolfe against attacks by election deniers, recently filing a business-oriented amicus brief to support her in a lawsuit by legislative leaders seeking to oust her. Our brief emphasized the necessity of impartial election administration and cautioned that removing Wolfe could destabilize Wisconsin's democracy, particularly ahead of the 2024 election.
On January 13, 2024, Dane County Judge Ann Peacock sided with the WEC, affirming the public interest in election stability and allowing Meagan Wolfe to retain her role.
Supported vote by mail in New York: Leadership Now, as part of a coalition, supported legislation to establish “no excuse” voting by mail in NY. Collaborating with organizations like the Center for Secure and Modern Elections and Tech:NYC, we changed NY's status from one of the 15 states without this option and a 'C' grade on Leadership Now’s Democracy Report Card. By November 2024, New York’s 13 million registered voters will be able to vote by mail.
Daniella Ballou-Aares, CEO & Co-Founder of the Leadership Now Project said, “A stronger, more accessible democracy makes New York a more desirable place to live and work. Vote by mail is a crucial modernization that 35 states have already adopted. We are thrilled to see speedy passage of this important measure.”
Filed an amicus brief in Disney v. DeSantis, making the business case against political retribution: Leadership Now filed a brief in a watershed case involving political retribution by a sitting governor against a public company. The brief focused on how political retribution for the actions and speech of a company hinders investment and innovation and threatens economic stability and democracy, setting a dangerous precedent for the future.
Leadership Now CEO Daniella Ballou-Aares discussed the threat of government retaliation in depth with Triple Pundit Managing Editor Mary Mazzoni.
Made the business case that democracy is at risk, working in collaboration with leading academics and thought leaders: In 2023, Leadership Now was covered in 100+ stories in major media outlets (FT, Fortune, Fast Company, New York Times, and others) on democracy risks to business. Leadership Now grew its academic network to 15+ leading business and policy schools, from HBS to the Ohio State University, Stanford and the University of Michigan.
Our latest analytical products, which benefit from our unique access to academic and other data sources, include an executive presentation designed for boards and investors, titled Understanding U.S. Political Risk: Implications For Business. This report provides a framework to understand current threats, analyze their business implications, and take proactive action. It includes tools to review risks in states where your company operates and assess the impact of your political spending.
Other significant impacts:
Hosted 75+ briefings and events with renowned academics and authors; elected officials and candidates; and partners.
Launched a Women & Democracy initiative.
Grew our organization with members in 30 states, and expanded our membership and programming teams.
Several members won seats in local public office and joined government boards and commissions.
Thank you to our members, partners, and funders for your invaluable support and collaboration throughout 2023. Our aim in 2024 is to strategically utilize our assets — networks, funds, and expertise — to safeguard democracy.
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Leadership Now Project is a section 501(c)(4) social welfare organization with a mission to protect and renew American democracy. Project Democracy is a separate, affiliated political organization that supports candidates who share that mission.