"What’s at stake for business with Trump’s civil service plan"

Imagine a government where political loyalists, not experts, make key decisions—what would that mean for your business? In Leadership Now CEO Daniella Ballou-Aares’ latest Fast Company article, co-authored with Max Stier, CEO of the Partnership for Public Service, they expose the dangers of former President Trump’s plan to overhaul the civil service.

While significant government reform is needed, these proposals would have the opposite effect.

Here's how they outline the risks:

  • Trump’s plan calls for firing tens of thousands of career professionals and replacing them with political appointees loyal to the White House.

  • The government would shift from making decisions based on evidence and expertise to pursuing a personal agenda driven by cronyism.

  • This would destabilize our government, devalue expertise, and return our most important public institutions to the 19th century spoils system that fostered rampant corruption and incompetence.

For businesses, this would mean unpredictability and erosion of the rule of law we all depend on. It’s a dangerous shift with significant consequences for the economy and taxpayers.

Read the article “What’s at stake for business with Trump’s civil service plan.”